A close up of the reflection of a camera lens
A red and black logo with an arrow

Unrivalled Strategic Surveillance Services

At Spectator Investigations, we believe that the key to successful surveillance lies in meticulous case preparation and effective case management. We are your ideal partners in providing robust surveillance measures that help mitigate your risk exposure on wrongful claims.

Enhanced Claim Assessment

We take pride in our ability to deliver compelling surveillance footage that challenges the credibility of a claimant's alleged injury. Our skilled operatives then employ these parameters to assemble a comprehensive 360° intelligence briefing using social media and public records research. Our team of dedicated investigators goes above and beyond to secure active claimant video, ensuring you're well-equipped to make informed decisions. If you have any questions or need additional information, get in touch with our team.

A man in a black hat and jacket.

Expert Case Preparation and Case Management

Before surveillance initiation, our team conducts an in-depth analysis of several aspects, such as:

  • Property Records
  • Vehicle Records
  • Phone Records
  • Family Dynamics
  • Photos & Videos
  • Hobbies & Interests
  • Social Circles
  • Events & Check-Ins

Our surveillance operatives come equipped with:

  • Comprehensive Target Profiles
  • Direct access to Social Media Analysts
  • Advanced Camera Systems & Equipment
  • Constant Communication with Management

These are the building blocks of our strategic surveillance and the reason we consistently obtain claimant video. Curious about the Spectator way? Our team is standing by. Reach out for answers.

A magnifying glass sitting on top of a laptop keyboard.

Get Digital Evidence

Whether it's family law matters, personal injury, liability, or malpractice, trust Spectator Investigations for actionable digital evidence. Our investigators are rigorously trained, equipped with the latest technology, and selected for each case based on their relative experience and skill set. Preparation (pre-surveillance) and positioning can make all the difference in obtaining video in the most challenging situations.

A red and black logo with an arrow

Unmanned Surveillance Services

If you require continuous monitoring over an extended period, such as several days or weeks, unmanned surveillance not only reduces cost but also provide the essential evidence you need. Unmanned surveillance operates 24/7. This can also help with future surveillance on your subject.

A close up of a camera on the side of a house